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Agile Organizing Kit
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Issues - how to design an agile organization
Design issue 1: Integration
Design issue 2: Strategy
Design issue 3: Designing for shared leadership
Design issue 4: Interfaces
Design issue 5: Compliance
Design issue 6: Transparency and information sharing
Design issue 7: Careers and compensation
Issues - how to develop agile organizing
Development issue 1: Developing and maintaining purpose
Development issue 2: Learning collaborative leadership
Development issue 3: Former leaders
Development issue 4: Case for change
Development issue 5: Build or buy?
Development issue 6: Speed - all-in or step-by-step?
Development issue 7: Planning paradigmatic change, change indicators
Cases - models
Case - The sociocratic and holacratic self-organization models
Case - Valve's Flatland model
Case - "Tribes and Squads"
Case - Morning Star's self-management model
Case - "Teal" and "Reinventing Organizations"
Case - Haier's Microenterprises
Case - "Team of Teams"
Cases - examples
Case example - A fast-growing ICT company strengthening its organizational structure while simultaneously promoting self-management
Case example - An international catering and hotel business group promoting the future of work
Case example - Five key learnings from an HR unit’s self-management experiment
Case example - Why do companies engage in new forms of organizing?
Case example - Can self-managed teams create ideal work environments?
Case example - Cabals, circles, squads - what different examples of self-managed teams have in common
Tools - Work with the Organize for Self-Management Kit to decentralize your organization design
Learn about the use cases for decentralizing organizational set-ups (0:17)
Understand the six basic management functions and how you can use them to decentralize your organization
Set the goals and the scope of your work on decentralization
Analyze how management work is done in your organization and design a more decentralized target state
Implement your target design by testing and codifying your new set-up
Tools - Work with the Team Kit to empower high performing teams across your organization
Learn about six key dimensions that make all the difference for team performance
Work with the team evaluation tool to benchmark your team's performance and get a tailored plan to build your team
Enable your teams to develop a powerful purpose and set their goals
Get your team's size, membership and skillset right
Build your team for shared leadership and accountability
Set rules, norms and behavioral expectations in your team
Build powerful communication patterns and team relationships
Manage conflict and leverage tensions for your team's benefit
Tools - Work with additional Management Kits tools to support organizational agility
Overview - Additional tools
Additional Resources
Management Kits Blog Posts on Organizational Agility
Design issue 3: Designing for shared leadership
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