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Organizational Structure Kit
Quick Start
How to work with this Kit
Your custom work plan - Kit customization tool
Your Kit Board canvas
Your project kick-off
Your expert coaching session
INTRODUCTION to organizational structure
INTRODUCTION to Management Kits
INTRODUCTION to organizational structure
Example: Adapting organizational structures to support a digital strategy
The Kit Board - Your organizational structure in one page
GOALS - Define how your structure follows your strategy
GOALS - Define how your structure follows your strategy: overview
Goals framework
Develop your principles (Tool 1)
Define implications of "structure follows strategy" (Tool 2)
Establish the ROI of your organizational structure work
Agenda for running your initating session (GOALS and LIMITS)
LIMITS - Scope and focus your organizational structure work
LIMITS - Scope and focus your organizational structure work: overview
Limits framework
Define scope and boundaries of your org design work (Tool 3)
Agenda for running your initiating session (GOALS and LIMITS)
ACTIVITIES - Define the key activities aligned to your strategy
ACTIVITIES - Defining key activities and decision making requirements: overview
Activities framework
Analyze and cluster your key activities (Tool 4)
Agenda for running your activities session
Example: user approaches to defining activities
UNITS - Seperate functions into units
UNITS - Separate functions into units: overview
Unit grouping framework
Define unit grouping options (Tool 5)
Balance centralization and decentralization in your organization (Tool 6)
Agenda for running your unit session
LINKS - Link units and ensure cooperation
LINKS - Connect your units and ensure collaboration: overview
Links framework
Establish interfaces (Tool 7)
Define cross-unit processes (Tool 8)
Define role profiles (Tool 9)
Design cross-unit groups (Tool 10)
Design matrix reporting (Tool 11)
Agenda for running your links section
Example: how to boost cross-silo collaboration
SHAPE - Set spans of control and organizational layers
SHAPE - Set spans of control and organizational layers: overview
Shape framework
Define spans and layers (Tool 12)
Agenda for running the shape section
PROCESS - How to run your work process
PROCESS - How to run your work process
Process framework
CHANGE - How to support change and strengthen the organization
Classic change management models
Case examples from international education (K-12)
Change tool: Mapping out change
Quick guide: Mapping out change
Work tool - filling the canvas
Case study
Change tool: Activating networks and stakeholders
Quick guide: Activating stakeholders
Work tools
Case study
Change tool: Defining a change management plan
Quick guide: Defining a change management plan
Work tool: define your change plan
Change tool: Key change interventions
Quick guide: Key change measures
Work tool: define your change interventions
Downloads and Resources
Overview - Downloads and Resources
Directory of Organizational Structure Kit
Framework presentation materials
Additional resources: Management Kits blog posts on organization design
Additional resource: Organizational capabilities working template
INTRODUCTION to Management Kits
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